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Planning Board, June 04, 2020 - 7:00PM
Morristown Town, Morris County, New Jersey

M-Station East, LLC (Click for exhibits, plans & application documents)
Application 20-01
Block 4901, Lots 7-8; Block 3505, Lots 1-3, 10, 10.01, 11-14, and 15.01
Applicant proposes to demolish the existing structures, eliminate the existing surface parking, and construct two mixed-use office/retail buildings and a parking garage. The Applicant also proposes a lot line adjustment to consolidate lots, as well as adjust lot lines in the public right-of-way. The proposed development will include new construction as follows: (a) a seven (7) story building consisting of 233,770 gross square feet of office area and 19,400 gross square feet of retail area; (b) a six (6) story building consisting of 118,900 gross square feet of office area and 10,130 gross square feet of retail area; (c) a parking garage containing 889 parking spaces; and (d) other site improvements such as 33 surface parking spaces, landscaping, pedestrian improvements, road reconfiguration of Spring Place, and a new roundabout on Morris Street.

Application Documents
Exhibit Documents

Meeting Information

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Webinar ID: 886 2351 3863

If members of the public: (1) wish to ask questions during the
meeting; (2) wish to cross-examine any witness; (3) cannot participate in the hearing but would like
to submit questions; (4) have questions about this process; or (5) need assistance accessing the Zoom meeting, they are encouraged to e-mail Zoning Officer James Campbell or call him at (973) 292-6723.

Instructions on participating in the Zoom meeting will also be posted on the Town Website.

If members of the public have questions or wish to participate in the meeting they should contact at .